Time Zones, Climate & Co.
Temperatures Chiang Rai
The average daily temperature is 30.7°C. Above-average temperatures are reached in February, March, April, May, June, July and September - the highest daily temperature is 35 degrees. Overall, it is warmer than 25°C all year round. Compared to the other 11 provinces of Thailand is it in Chiang Rai 0.9°C colder on an annual basis. The average temperature at night is 18.5°C. Colder temperatures can be observed in February, March, April, May, June, July and September - the lowest is 11.8 degrees. Compared to the rest of Thailand it is 4.5°C colder on average at night.
Hours of sunshine Chiang Rai
The sun shines in every year Chiang Rai incredible 7.6 hours a day. However, this value is exceeded in the months of January, February, March, April, May, November and December. The highest measured annual value is 10 hours of sunshine. It is also interesting that the sun shines more than 7 hours a day in a total of 8 months. After all, the sun shines here on average 0.4 hours longer than in the rest of the country.
Humidity Chiang Rai
In Chiang Rai in 8 months there is a humidity that is perceived as muggy (more than 25 degrees daily temperature with more than 75% relative humidity). The remaining 4 months, on the other hand, have a pleasant humidity level. The annual average is 76.6% - this value is only exceeded in the months of January, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. The highest annual value reaches 85%.
Rainy days Chiang Rai
In Chiang Rai it rains an average of 9.5 days per month over the year. However, it rains more in May, June, July, August, September and October - the most measured rainy days are given as 21. In total there are 5 months in which it rains more than 15 days. An interesting aspect emerges when looking at the other places in Thailand with Chiang Rai compares: the number of rainy days is 0.9 fewer here.
Time zone Thailand/Chiang Rai
Thailand/Chiang Rai is in the UTC 7 time zone, from the point of view of Central European Time (CET) there is in Chiang Rai in winter 6 hours difference to Germany and during summer time 5 hours difference. 12 noon in Germany is then 5 p.m. in Thailand in summer and 6 p.m. in the evening in winter.
Religious Festivals & Holidays Thailand
Many festivals and holidays in Thailand are of Buddhist origin. Therefore, the dates are aimed at religious festivals according to the lunar calendar and can vary (Overview of current public holidays). After the traditional Thai lunar calendar the time calculation begins in Thailand with the year of Buddha's death. For example, "our" year 2022 is the year 2565 according to Buddha, 2023 is the year 2566, etc. For state ones festivals on the other hand, the western calendar applies. This means that national or historical holidays always fall on the same date. At holidays are in Thailand banks, authorities and offices closed.